Audio Animals PMC Speakers Interview

Описание к видео Audio Animals PMC Speakers Interview

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Audio Animals offer a professional Dolby Atmos mixing & mastering service that takes your music beyond stereo mixing and into the immersive world of Dolby Atmos. All mixing packages deliver back to you everything you need to release your music in stereo as well as the Dolby Atmos ADM, so that you can also release your music in Dolby Atmos and Spatial Audio. The initial mix is turned around in around 5 working days. At which stage you can request any changes you wish to be made to the mix. Once the mix is confirmed as complete we will move forward with mastering your mix.

All Dolby Atmos Mixing Packages Include:

◉ Dolby Atmos ADM Master
◉ Stereo Binaural Mix
◉ Stereo Binaural Digital Master
◉ Stereo Binaural Streaming Master

Dolby Atmos mixing in the hands of a skilled engineer will elevate your music to a level you never thought was possible. With the aid of knowledge and a state of the art Dolby Atmos 9.1.4 mixing studio we are able to achieve a mix that sounds spacious, clean and overall pleasing to the ear. Each stem in your song is carefully processed and positioned perfectly within the mix and optimised ready for mastering. No matter where you live, online Dolby Atmos mixing has never been easier to outsource to a professional mixing engineer.



We pride ourselves on having a highly unique Dolby Atmos speaker configuration. Our Dolby Atmos 9.1.4 PMC speaker configuration not only looks incredible with its 7 front speaker wall of sound, but it also sounds out of this world. A highly detailed and highly accurate to within 20mm of Dolby's spec, the Audio Animals Dolby Atmos room is nothing short of listening perfection.



4x PMC Ci30
4x PMC Ci65
5x PMC Ci140
2x PMC Ci140 Sub
4 Foot Avid S4
2x Martin Logan MDA16
Avid MTRX Studio
Trinnov MC-Pro 16
Universal Audio Octo



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● Instagram:   / audioanimals  
● Youtube:    / audioanimalstv  
● Facebook:   / audioanimalsstudio  
● Soundcloud:   / theaudioanimals  
● Twitter:   / theaudioanimals  


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