Yamaha Clavinova CSP - First And Foremost a Piano

Описание к видео Yamaha Clavinova CSP - First And Foremost a Piano


With two world-renowned concert grand pianos available at the touch of a button, the CSP Series lets you choose the perfect piano tone for the music you want to play. Offering far more than just sampled sounds, the CSP Series reproduces the Yamaha CFX concert grand and the legendary Bӧsendorfer Imperial in meticulous detail. In a grand piano, strings and sounds resonate throughout the entire body of the instrument producing a rich reverberation that envelops the listener in sound. Not only are the strings you are playing vibrating, but other strings ring as a reaction to ones you play. This is one reason the piano's sound is so complex and rich. This phenomenon is reproduced perfectly in the Clavinova through Virtual Resonance Modeling (VRM) which calculates the various states of the strings for each of the 88 notes on the keyboard from one instant to the next. As a result, the Clavinova reflects the limitless number of factors inherent in playing an acoustic piano such as which keys are pressed, the strength with which the keys are played, and pedal timing.


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