Soil Classification - Early systems and Modern Classification Systems

Описание к видео Soil Classification - Early systems and Modern Classification Systems

TOPIC -Soil Classification - Early systems and Modern Classification Systems

Course title - Fundamentals Of Soil Science

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Hello there,
In this video, we'll be studying a very important topic i.e. soil sci subject i.e. soil classification
You may know that it's a quiet long topic.
I'll be covering this topic as -

What is soil classification?
Evolution of soil classification systems.
The early systems of soil classification
Economic classification of soil
Physical classification of soil
Chemical classification of soil
Geological classification of soil
Physiological classification of soil

Dokuchaev's Genetic system of soil classification
Zonality concept
Zonal Intrazonal And Azonal soils
Normal transitional and abnormal soils

Marbut's morphogenetic classification system
Baldwin and associates genetic system of Classification

What is soil taxonomy?
History about soil taxonomy
Soil taxonomy as a comprehensive system of soil classification
Diagnostic horizons in soil taxonomy

Diagnostic horizons and there types
Epipedon and endopedons
Difference between Epipedon and endopedons
Details about Epipedon and endopedons
Epipedon or surface horizons

The eight important epipedons are anthropic, folistic, histic, melanic, mollic, ochric, plaggen and umbric epipedons.

The important diagnostic subsurface horizons are agric, albic, argillic, calcic, cambic, glossic, gypsic, kandic, natric, oxic, petrocalic, petrogypsic, placic, salic, sombric and spodic horizons.
Soil classification is the distribution of soil based on its characteristics

12 soil orders in soil taxonomy
Entisols, Inceptisols, Andisols, Mollisols, Alfisols, Spodosols, Ultisols, Oxisols, Gelisols, Histosols, Aridisols and Vertisols

8 types Soils of India -
Alluvial Soil
Black Cotton Soil
Red & Yellow Soil
Laterite Soil
Mountainous or Forest Soil
Arid or Desert Soil
Saline and Alkaline Soil
Peaty and Marshy Soil

Soil moisture regime -
Udic: Humid or subhumid climate.
Ustic: Semiarid climate.
Aridic (or Torric) Arid climate
Xeric: Mediterranean climate (moist, cool winters and dry, warm summers)

Classes of Soil Temperature Regimes

This video is exclusively important for those who are preparing for ICAR JRF examination from physical science subject.

Hope you would like the content ❣️

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0:00 - Evolution of soil classification

3:42 - What is Soil classification ?

7:15 - Early systems of soil classification

10:55 - Dokuchaev's Genetic system of soil classification

16:21 - Marbut's Morphogenetic System

19:55 - Baldwin & Associates Genetic System

22:37 - Thanks for watching

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