Preparing an Epidermal Peel - Stomata Lab

Описание к видео Preparing an Epidermal Peel - Stomata Lab

How do you conduct an epidermal peel? How can you visualize stomata?

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Procedure: Preparing epidermal peels

00:00 Step 1 - To make an epidermal peel, select your sample from the same leaf whorl and geographical location in the pot, if possible.

00:27 Step 2 - Using a fine-tipped sharpie, label your coverglass with the name of your sample.

00:36 Step 3 - Turn the coverslip over so you can prepare your samples on the underside of your slip. Add a small (about 1 cm) square of medical glue to your coverslip. Try to make it as even and as thin as possible. Let the glue sit for about 2 minutes.

01:20 Step 4 - Place the leaf abaxial (underside) up. Using a razor, cut between veins if the leaf is large. Then, using forceps, carefully tear the leaf away from you. This is the most difficult part of the peeling process! Try to get a small section of clear leaf epidermis as your tear the sample. Quickly place the sample abaxial side down on the glue of the coverslip. Tap the sample lightly with a gloved fingertip to be sure it is secure.

03:01 Step 5 - Using a plastic pipette tip (or other object that is not too sharp), lightly scrape the dark green portion of the leaf sample off of the glue. You should attempt to remove all of the leaf that is not part of the epidermis until the sample is almost colorless. You may add a second sample onto to the same coverslip as long as is comes from the same original leaf.

03:56 Step 6 - To visualize your peel, use buffer to create a wet mount on a clean microscope slide, then add the coverslip. Lightly tap on the surface of the coverslip to remove any air bubbles. Wipe off any excess water from the sides of the slide before using a microscope. Observe the slide under the microscope and record observations on your student sheet. When you are finished, you may remove the coverslip with forceps.

Safety: Gloves may be worn for this portion of the lab
See full lab procedures here:


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