
Описание к видео 4款大马传统糕点的做法【椰絲糯米飯/金瓜發糕/斑蘭椰絲卷/紫薯米糕】

   / @shadajie-kitchen  

Nyonya Pulut Inti /椰絲糯米飯 (娘惹)
   • Nyonya Pulut Inti /椰絲糯米飯 (娘惹)  

Pumpkin Fatt Koh 金瓜發糕
   • Pumpkin Fatt Koh 金瓜發糕  

斑蘭椰絲卷 Kuih Ketayap / kuih gulung/Kuih Dadar
   • 斑蘭椰絲卷 Kuih Ketayap/kuih gulung/Kuih D...  

紫薯米糕(肥豬肉糕)– Kuih Bengka (Purple Sweet Potato) Kuih Bingka Beras ubi ungu
   • 紫薯米糕(肥豬肉糕)– Kuih Bengka (Purple Sweet...  


Nyonya Pulut Inti /椰絲糯米飯 (娘惹)

分量:12 份

250 克 糯米 (浸泡至少4小時)
150 克 椰漿
1/2 茶匙 細鹽
2 片 香蘭葉
濃藍花汁 (30朵藍花+40ml 水煮出藍花水)

100 克 椰糖
3 湯匙 清水
2 片 香蘭葉
150 克 鮮嫩椰絲

玉米澱粉水 (1湯匙 玉米澱粉 + 2 湯匙清水)

準備12片(15cm x10cm ) 長方形香蕉葉


Nyonya Pulut Inti

12 servings

250g glutinous rice (soak for at least 4 hours)
150g coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 pandan leaf
Deep blue pea flower juice (30 blue Pea flowers + 40ml water)

Shredded Coconut Filling Ingredients:
100g Gula Melaka/Palm sugar
3 tablespoon water
2 pandan leaves
150g fresh shredded coconut
Corn starch water (1 tablespoon corn starch + 2 tablespoons water)

Prepare 12 (15cm x 10cm) rectangular banana leaves


金瓜發糕 Pumpkin Fatt Koh

分量: 大約11個小紙杯

250克 自發面粉(過篩)(可以選擇bluekey 自發面粉,發得漂亮)
100克 金瓜泥
150毫升 清水
110克 幼糖
1茶匙 發粉
40克 玉米油

3.250克 自發面粉(過篩)和1茶匙 發粉混合,再加入裏面攪拌均勻
4.最後加入40克 玉米油攪拌。

Pumpkin Fatt Koh

Yield: about 11 small paper cups

250g self-raising flour (sifted) (you can choose bluekey self-raising flour, it will be beautiful)
100g pumpkin puree
150ml water
110g sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
40g corn oil

1. Steam 100 grams of pumpkins, about 15 minutes. While it's hot, add 110 grams of sugar and stir to make a puree
2. Add 150ml of water and mix it
3. 250g self-raising flour (sifted) and 1 teaspoon of baking powder mix, then add it and mix well,set aside
4. Finally add 40 grams of corn oil and stir.
5. Pour the batter into a small paper-covered cup for 90% full. After the water is boiled, add the pumpkin batter and steam for 20 minutes on high heat.


斑蘭椰絲卷 Kuih Ketayap/kuih gulung/Kuih Dadar/coconut pancake rolls

分量: 10 份


120克 椰糖
100毫升 水
2葉 斑蘭葉
200克 鮮嫩白椰絲
玉米澱粉水 (1 1/2 茶匙玉米澱粉 + 1 湯匙清水)


120克 普通面粉/中筋麵粉
1粒 蛋
150毫升 椰漿水
1/2 茶匙 細鹽

Kuih Dadar

10 servings

Gula melaka and coconut filling
120g Gula melaka
100ml water
2 leaves pandan leaves
200g fresh white shredded coconut
Corn starch water (1 1/2 teaspoons corn starch + 1 tablespoon water)

Pandan flour skin
120g plain flour/all-purpose flour
1 egg
150 ml of pandan juice (mix 30 g of pandan leaves and 150 ml of water until fine, then strain out 150 ml of pandan juice.)
150ml coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon fine salt


紫薯米糕(肥豬肉糕)– Kuih Bengka (Purple Sweet Potato) Kuih Bingka Beras ubi ungu

200克 粘米粉
25克 木薯粉
30克 紫薯粉(也可以用80克 紫薯泥代替)
150克 細砂糖
400毫升 清水
400毫升 椰漿
1/2茶匙 幼鹽

Kuih Bengka (Purple)
Kuih Bingka Beras ubi ungu

200g rice flour
25g tapioca flour
30g purple sweet potato powder (can replace 80g purple sweet potato mashed)
150g caster sugar
400ml water
400ml coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon salt

Business cooperation contact
[email protected]

Thank you 😊☺️😘😘

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