Jory Caron Crashes His Office Chair Into A Wall...

Описание к видео Jory Caron Crashes His Office Chair Into A Wall...

Like most late nights at College, we were bored - so we decided to push our friend Jory down the hallway in an office chair he recently got out of the trash and fixed up. Rolling chairs weren't exciting enough, so we added some obstacles for Jory, and had him do some spins as well. Then we wasted some more time by editing it for your pleasure. Enjoy!

A Straight To Video Production.

Jonathan Paula is a 25-year-old professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?". He graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production and Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, NH with his fiancée.

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~~ Technical ~~
Created by ----- Jonathan Paula
Starring --------- Jory Caron, Jonathan Paula, Beth Scorzato, Joe Collesano, and Nick Tosches
Camera --------- Canon S3-IS
Software -------- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5
Computer ------

• Jogwheel Productions © 2006 •


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