GreenCo Rating System

Описание к видео GreenCo Rating System

Pursuing "Green" has become the new driver for companies on the quest towards growth, competitiveness and global excellence.

With number of businesses going green on the rise and several initiatives on different areas evokes a spark in an individual's mind on "How Green is the Company". A clear holistic mechanism is presently not available for evaluating the performance of companies on the ecological front.

Against this background, CII -Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre through an extensive stakeholder consultation and interaction with experts have developed the 'Greenco rating' system for evaluating the 'greenness of companies'.

The rating system will be the "first of its kind in the world" to assess and analyze the environmental impact of the company's activities or operations The rating will also help in defining the path forward to ecologically sustainable business growth.


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