Arashi Semi-Free Floating Wave Rotor Product Review

Описание к видео Arashi Semi-Free Floating Wave Rotor Product Review

Quick review of the Arashi Semi-Free floating wave rotor from China.

Don't let the Chinese stamp scare you from purchasing this rotor set. I myself was skeptical but after opening the package and handling it for myself my confidence was immediately restored.

All measurement were either close to or on point for an aftermarket product. The quality of the materials feels top notch and sturdy and after installing them and riding around for a week I have to say I made a good purchase. Paired with some HH sinter brake pads I have now have Tremendous stopping power, so much so that I have to now watch how fast and tight I squeeze the brake lever for fear of locking up or doing a Stoppie.

The center black ring seems to be anodized and not some cheap black paint that will chip in a short time and the buttons and button retaining springs hold it all together nicely without chatter unlike full free floating systems.

At $180 shipped you can't go wrong with this purchase.

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