Harry Baker - Maybe (A poem about bullying)

Описание к видео Harry Baker - Maybe (A poem about bullying)

A poem for anyone who's ever been made to feel small in any way by anyone else.



Maybe it’s ‘cause they don’t understand you.
Maybe it’s because they do and they’re afraid of what they see.
Maybe it’s because you are not normal.
Maybe normal’s not the thing you need to be.

Maybe today will be a good day.
Maybe today feels like it’s way too close to call.
Maybe one day you’ll look back and laugh at this.
Maybe one day you won’t look back at all.

Maybe it feels like it’s getting harder
may you’re still waiting for that day too come around
Maybe it’s because i’m a londoner.
That i believe you can’t stop building bridges just ‘cause one is falling down.

Hey - i just met you, and this is crazy,
but maybe you’re gonna be the one that saves me.
after all - you are wonderful.

Right now this feels like everything.
Right now it always is.
It’s only afterwards that we can see there’s more than this.
You can be informed by this
without being formed by this
just as a calm before the storm
there is a dark before the dawn in this.

Whoever told you you must shrink to fit in
got the filter wrong.
we are not sculptures to be chipped away
but platformed to be built upon

so if somehow this changes you.
let it be in a resilience in knowing
that you made it through
do not give them an inkling of a thicker skin.
if we stop listening
how can the truth that permeates start sinking in?

Not every day’s a battle.
Not every part of life’s a war.
It is the times that lie between
that need to be worth fighting for.

Remember what this moment is.
you may not have chosen this
but one day you will be someone who rose from it
if you see the same in others you can notice this
sometimes we’re too involved in things
to see the hope in it so show them this
there’s no eclipse without some kind of glow in it.

those that know you, know to love you,
those that love you, love to know you,
those that don’t - forfeit the right
to get to be the ones that mould you.
if you ever meet the old you,
say ‘i come from what you go through,’
there will be times when this is all you have to hold to.

There will be days you cannot help but cry and days you cry for help
there will be days that you resist or are too tired to rebel
when it takes everything to not just be defined by someone else.
you can start by showing kindness to yourself


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