Mental Toughness and Fat Loss on CBS News Indianapolis

Описание к видео Mental Toughness and Fat Loss on CBS News Indianapolis

This book almost got me killed. 3 deaths threats in New York City following my interviews on The Today Show and Good Morning America, multiple threats in London after the BBC interviews, and 1 very descriptive, murderous email from a viewer in Sydney, Australia when I was interviewed on their national Channel 7. Losing weight is a pain in the neck, and so are dieting and discipline. I get it. I've allowed my own weight to fluctuate because of this, not to mention that it's fun to eat chips and pizza! The point of the book is to wake people up to the objective reality that if you're fat, and you're not suffering from a medical condition (physical or psychological) it's on you. It's not the food companies, government or anything outside of ourselves. Obesity is the problem and mental toughness and self-responsibility are the answers. I was in Ft. Wayne, Indiana speaking at a physicans convention on obesity and stopped by CBS News Indy show, which I've been on many times over the years, to discuss the subject. #personaldevelopment #mentaltoughness


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