Собаку-мать толкнули, она упала в чан с асфальтом, кричала от боли 2 дня, никто не помог!

Описание к видео Собаку-мать толкнули, она упала в чан с асфальтом, кричала от боли 2 дня, никто не помог!

A mother dog was pushed fell into a vat of hot asphalt, screaming in pain for 2 days, no one help!

This is one of those cases when you feel like screaming out of your voice, swearing, hating the whole world because this torment has been screaming, barking, screaming and the whole neighborhood for two days besides releasing her soul eats, drinks, rests, sleeps and no one to help, no one to lend a hand save this poor thing. When they called Marina she heard the dogs screaming in the background!!!
What kind of people are we, has humanity really died in us, have we become so selfish that we are blind and deaf to the beings around us, do we really no longer have a soul?

Special thanks to: Marina Tomovic and her team!

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