Glen Affric Wild Camp: 3 Munros

Описание к видео Glen Affric Wild Camp: 3 Munros

After parking at The River Affric car park I walked the 8.5 miles into Alltbeithe Youth Hostel to set up camp. The following day my plan was to climb the 3 remote Munros starting from behind the hostel.

The Sgùrr nan Ceathreamhnan group is a tough round of Munros in a remote area with Mullach na Dheiragain being prized for its inaccessibility.

I had a fantastic but exhausting day and an invite into the hostel to cook my meal and relax was most welcome.

My videos are not intended to be an exact guide to any hill, mountain or low level walk featured in the video. I don’t cover every aspect of the route, terrain or difficulties.

Please refer to or the book by the SMC, The Munros - Hillwalking Guide, for detailed walk descriptions.

Stay safe out there and enjoy! 😊


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