Upload Files to Firebase Storage from a Xamarin.Forms App

Описание к видео Upload Files to Firebase Storage from a Xamarin.Forms App

In this video we will learn about what Firebase Storage is and how we can upload files to it from a Xamarin.Forms app. Or basically any C# based application! We will setup a Firebase project from scratch, touch upon authentication and upload a photo. This is all made very easy with the FirebaseStorage.net library, tune in!

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🔗 Links
Sample code repo: https://github.com/jfversluis/XFFireb...
FirebaseStorage.net Plugin Repo: https://github.com/step-up-labs/fireb...

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⏱ Timestamps
0:00 - Intro
0:12 - Inspect End Result
0:33 - Setup Firebase Storage Project
2:17 - Note About Authentication
4:10 - Retrieve Bucket Name
4:35 - Implement Sample App UI
6:04 - Install FirebaseStorage.net NuGet
7:21 - Implement Image Picking
8:07 - Implement Uploading to Firebase Storage
13:14 - Running Sample App
14:19 - Outro: More Firebase Content?

🎥 Video edited with Camtasia (ref): https://techsmith.z6rjha.net/AJoeD

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Blog: https://blog.verslu.is
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All the rest: https://jfversluis.dev

#xamarin #firebase #firebasestorage #xamarinforms


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