Heart The Dinosaur Kick Boxing Feet (also others)

Описание к видео Heart The Dinosaur Kick Boxing Feet (also others)

One of my favorite japenease movie, that bizzarely never got dubbed (was a fan made version of it, which was awesome but got deleted from copyright), is about a young t-rex who was adopted into a herbivore family but after realizing just what he was striked out on his own, learning to fight and be a kickboxing dinosaur, using his feet/legs more then his teeth in battle, which he does have a ton of scenes that after a friend has suggested it, i just NEEDED to do.

I recommend watching it, they even had a sequel which not sure about since i never watched it, but it was cute movie if not a little sad and badass in some places

also sorry for slowdowns, i really wanted some scenes to show off his kicks and feet, since most of his fights are very fast pace


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