"Everyone speaks good English around me but my English is poor" - I faced the same situation!

Описание к видео "Everyone speaks good English around me but my English is poor" - I faced the same situation!

School, College, Office, Workplace, Friends. English has become so common everywhere. It results in difficult feelings of hesitation, fear of making mistakes, tension and inferiority complex for some of us who are not well versed in English.

First of all, if that's happening with you, you can’t complain that you don’t have the environment for learning English, which is usually #1 complaint of English learners. You have the chance to quickly improve your English. It’s an opportunity. But I know it’s easier said than done. The difficult feelings you are feeling and situations you are facing are not easy to face.

My suggestion is to start small. Do small bits here and there. Speak up some words, small sentences. Build upon them. Rest the environment will “fix” you, let it help you. You’re not an isolated entity in the environment, you’re part of it and the environment will make sure it makes you like itself.. It has that power.. let it do its thing. If we think about it, only thing required of you is: Courage. Initiative. Positive/Growth mindset. Nobody else can do that for you. If you make mistakes, so what? Nobody cares as much.


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