Excitonic polaritons in semiconductor lattices | Jacqueline Bloch

Описание к видео Excitonic polaritons in semiconductor lattices | Jacqueline Bloch

Exciton polaritons are mixed light matter quasi-particles emerging from the strong coupling regime between excitons confined in quantum wells and photons trapped in a cavity. These quasi-particles are currently attracting a lot of attention because of their highly non-linear properties and of the ability to fully engineer their band structure using lattices of coupled cavities.
In the present talk, I will illustrate the potential of this photonic platform for the emulation of complex Hamiltonians. I will discuss a recent experiment where we used polaritons to investigate localization in novel quasi-periodic potential. We reveal a novel mechanism through which criticality emerges. The rest of the talk will be dedicated to spin-orbit coupling and topology in polariton lattices.
Perspectives in terms of quantum simulations will be addressed as promising perspectives.
This talk was presented by Prof. Jacqueline Bloch (Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
C2N / Université Paris Saclay/ CNRS
Palaiseau, France) on July 01, 2020.

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