Easy net hunting of quail || Uncovering the past hunting || Wildgame Nation

Описание к видео Easy net hunting of quail || Uncovering the past hunting || Wildgame Nation

Hi everyone join us on an exciting adventure as we hunt quail using traditional netting methods, In this video, we will take you on a journey through the hunting field of wheat as we search for these elusive birds quails and other wild ones there for hunting.

Watch this video till end as we expertly set up our nets and demonstrate the skill and strategy required to trap or catch the wild quails. From the thrill of the hunt to the satisfaction of a successful catch, we shall share our experiences and tips with you how to trap or hunt the migratory quails.

Whether you are a seasoned hunter or just starting out, this video is sure to entertain and informative. So sit back, relax, and get ready to experience the thrill of quail net hunting.
This local hunter is uncovering the past hunting his ancestors used to do hunt the partridge, quails and many other birds in the natural state.

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1. The content of this video is for entertainment and educational purposes only. We are not hurting any bird here. Quail hunting are regulated activities that require licenses and permits and that's the primitive hunting method which has been used centuries years ago and adherence to local laws and regulations. Do not attempt to replicate any activities shown in this video without proper training, equipment, and licensure.
2. "This video features quail hunting activities, which may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. Always follow local laws, regulations, and safety guidelines when engaging in hunting activities.

#Quailhunting #Nethunting #Birdtrap


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