How to make a game in cmd

Описание к видео How to make a game in cmd

==========Here is the code guys dont worry==========

@echo off
color 0a
title ----------------------Game Youtube--------------------------
echo Hey! Welcome to the game!
echo 1) Start!
echo 2) How to play
echo 3) Exit
set /p number=

if %number% == 1 goto Start Game
if %number% == 2 goto How to play
if %number% == 3 goto Exit

:Start Game
echo Type your name:
set /p name=
echo Hello %name%!
echo Do you want to start the quiz? (y/n)
set/p start=
if %start% == y goto level1
if%start% == n goto main menu
goto Start Game

:How to play
echo Press the number of the answer then hit enter.
echo go back? (y/n)
set /p menugoto=
if %menugoto% == y goto menu
if %menugoto% == n goto exit
goto How to play

echo Thanks for playing %name%
goto Exit

echo Okay , Let's Start the game.
echo What is 10 + 10?
echo 1) 1
echo 2) 20
echo 3) 200

set /p answer1=
if %answer1% == 1 goto wrong1
if %answer1% == 2 goto correct1
if %answer1% == 3 goto wrong1
goto level1

echo You are right! Next Level?(y/n)
set /p NL1=

if %NL1% == y goto level2
if %NL1% == n goto menu
goto correct1

echo Sadly , you went wrong. Retry? (y/n)
set /p WA1=
if %WA1% == y goto level1
if %WA1% == n goto menu
goto wrong1


echo Who is on the 100 dollar bill?
echo 1) Ben Franklin
echo 2) Tommy King
echo 3) Thomas Train
echo 4) Jeff Dunham
set /p command=
if %command% == 1 goto correct2
if %command% == 2 goto wrong2
if %command% == 3 goto wrong2
if %command% == 4 goto wrong2
goto level2

echo Yes! You are right %name% ! Next level (y/n)?
set /p Command=
if %Command% == y goto level3
if %Command% == n goto level2
goto correct2

echo You LOST! %name% RETRY GAME? (y/n)
set /p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level2
if %retry% == n goto menu
goto wrong2

echo Who is the Prime Minister of India?
echo 1) %name%
echo 2) Narendra Modi
echo 3) Pranab Mukharjee
echo 4) Rajendra Prasad
set /p command2=
if %command2% == 1 goto wrong3
if %command2% == 2 goto correct3
if %command2% == 3 goto wrong3
if %command2% == 4 goto wrong3
goto level3

echo Wright answer Next Level(y/n)
set /p CommanD=
if %CommanD% == y goto level4
if %CommanD% == n goto level3
goto correct3

echo No it is wrong answer!
echo Do you want to retry? (y/n)
set /p ry=
if %ry% == y goto level3
if %ry% == n goto menu
goto wrong3

echo This is the last level %name%
echo Who is known as the father of the nation?
echo 1) Mahatma Gandhi
echo 2) You
echo 3) Jawarharlal Nehru
echo 4) Bhagat Singh
set /p aa=
if %aa% == 1 goto correct4
if %aa% == 2 goto wrong4
if %aa% == 3 goto wrong4
if %aa% == 4 goto wrong4
goto level4

echo Congratulations %name% You have won the game friend
goto correct4

echo Do you want to restart the whole game? (y/n)
set /p restart=
if %restart% == y goto level1
if %restart% == n goto menu


You can also make a virus --------------

Go to this link and download the file_____________

Copy , paste , save as .vbs and enjoy-----------

Watch a video for this---------


This video is also mine


-----------------Thank you-------------


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