Killer Bits #13 - The Bureau: XCOM Declassified and Killer Is Dead - Review

Описание к видео Killer Bits #13 - The Bureau: XCOM Declassified and Killer Is Dead - Review

We're back! Yes, The Killer Bits have made their triumphant return for Series 2.

In this episode we chat about our trip up the the Yogscast Office. Pick out all the big stories to come out of GamesCom 2013. Dom takes a stab at Killer is Dead. Toby probes deeply into 2K's reinvention of the XCOM franchise in The Bureau: XCOM Declassified.

And if you are interested in the Dark Souls II beta Toby mentioned in the episode head to the Dark Souls FB page from Sep. 5th -   / draksouls  


Featured games:
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified - 2K Games -
Killer Is Dead - Kadokawa Games / Xseed Games / Deep Silver -

Series One of The Killer Bits -    • Killer Bits  

Or to to check out our interview with Ben Johnson, the developer of Sky Nations -    • Sky Nations - Gameplay & Developer In...  

Get in touch with us on:

Twitter -   / thekillerbits  
Facebook -   / thekillerbits  

Produced by Icarus Films (UK)
Music by Forte Sounds

Special thanks to:
Beerwolf Books (
Goonhilly Earth Station (
The Yogscast (


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