Healing Your Inner Goddess
I invite you to take a deep relaxing breath and begin to focus within. Open your heart and begin to notice and sense the angels and your guides who are all around. I now invite the highest, best, most loving possible guide or angel with an activation and experience that will most serve all who will listen to this. Please come in, connect, and channel through me now.

Beloved one, indeed, I am here. I, Archangel Haniel, greet you in this now in a orb, a light, of bluish color that is all around you. Know that this light serves to simply lift you in vibration to cleanse your emotional field, your mental field, and your spiritual field. This blue light dissolves those limitations and doubts and any negativity that may be attached to you in this now. And so imagine this blue orb of light all around you, this is my energy and I am pleased to connect with you now, to assist you in honoring yourself in every aspect of you. You are beautiful, you are a dearly beloved, divine, spiritual being and as you are able to appreciate who you are in this very moment, as you are able to honor the cycles, moods, and rhythms that flow in and out of your experience, you will see that, yes, you will make it through this transition all on planet Earth are experiencing. Yes, you will come out on the other side more connected to your spirit, more connected to your light, and to love.

Consciously open your heart now and again notice the blue orb of light all around you dissolving away barriers, blockages, doubts, and helping you to tune in to your subtle senses, your psychic senses, the full spectrum of your sensitivity.

Beloved one, it is not with your physical senses that you are able to reach into the realms of angels and the nonphysical, it is through the subtle vibrations of love, of compassion, of opening your heart that you, dearest one, that you are able to directly connect with the love, with the well being, with the peace, with the light of source energy, creative source, the one source flowing throughout all that is that you see, indeed, you are a part of, an essential component. And in this moment as you are able to embrace all that you are, take a moment to reflect on this year so far, on your path of awakening, and to fully awaken there must be the willingness, the acknowledgment, that perhaps you have been on autopilot still in some areas, asleep to others. Be aware that essentially there is room for new growth. Acknowledging this within yourself brings you into alignment with being able to flow with the changes happening on Earth. You are supported on your path of improvement and spiritual growth.

A divine recalibration is happening now on Earth as Goddess energy returns to power on the planet. You are supported in bringing the goddess energy inside of you to the surface. This is true whether you are feminine or masculine as your natural physical state of being on your earth, on your planet, for many decades a realm of patriarchy has resided. The goddess energy has been suppressed for some time and it now reemerges beginning with you and you are able to witness new beginning with the transit of Venus across the sun. (refers to June 2012 event)

Venus representing the goddess, representing love, and moving into direct alignment with the sun, illuminating then the goddess energy, the love energy, tenderness, gentleness, sensitivity. And so while these things are illuminated, the wave of resurgence of the feminine power begins. This is now brought to the surface within you. And so if your goddess self, whether you are male or female, has been injured in this life or others, has been mistreated, has experienced challenges, when this goddess energy comes to the surface, so too do these hard aspects that are still present. And all this bubbles up now for a very divine and a very important reason, it is for you to, once and for all, heal your goddess self.

For men this may be healing the part of them as a small sensitive child that was taught to not show emotion, to be tough, to be fierce, to be masculine. But now honoring your intuitive, emotional, feminine side offers a gift, offers you the ability to tune in more subtly.
Please go to this link to read the rest of Melanie's message:

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By Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of www.Ask-Angels.com. Her books, Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD's provide a direct link to the love, frequency & wisdom from the Angelic and Spiritual Realms for people around the world.


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