Automate your Amazon Ads Reports with Google Sheets and Python

Описание к видео Automate your Amazon Ads Reports with Google Sheets and Python

In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of connecting to the Amazon Advertising API using Python. We will focus on retrieving the Advertised Products - Sponsored Products report, parsing it and uploading the data to Google Sheets.

Our journey will involve navigating the Amazon Ads API documentation and covering five key steps:

1. Authorization Grant Creation: We'll set up an authorization grant for an advertising account. This step enables an advertising user account to authorize your Login with Amazon (LwA) client.
2. Token Generation: Next, we'll obtain access and refresh tokens. This involves using the authorization grant to acquire an access token for making API calls and a refresh token to generate new access tokens.
3. Profile Retrieval: We'll fetch a profile ID that represents the user account in a specific advertising marketplace.
4. Downloading Sample Reports: I will show you how to download a sample report for Advertised Products - Sponsored Products using the API and the requests library.
5. Parsing and Uploading Data: Finally, we'll parse the data, establish a connection with the Google Sheets API, and upload the information there.

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0:00 – Intro for a video about connecting to the Amazon Ads API and getting report data to Google Sheets
2:05 – Deltologic as Development partner for Ads API
2:52 – Amazon Ads API onboarding overview
4:17 - Establishing a client application
5:32 - Create a Login with Amazon application
6:45 Apply for Amazon Ads API access
7:16 Assign API access to a Login with Amazon application
8:18 – Amazon ADs API URL prefixed for the region
8:54 – Setup Python env
9:50 – Connect To Amazon Ads API with Python
14:42 – Setup Google Sheets API
22:30 – Code logic to get Amazon Ads report to Google Sheets
24:52 – Summary of the Ads API video


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