Chad Warden: The Ballin’ Story of YouTube’s First Troll

Описание к видео Chad Warden: The Ballin’ Story of YouTube’s First Troll

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Thanks for the cameo Emp. His channel is here    / emperorlemon  

In early 2007, Chad Warden riled up the YouTube community with a series of videos in which claimed the Playstation 3 was better than both the Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360. His opinions seemed misinformed and he came across as a generic fanatical Sony fanboy. Many would make response videos to Chad, in which they angrily criticized him for his console gaming opinions. What they didn't know is that Chad was actually a rather clever troll purposefully trying to rage bait. Today I will tell you all the story of Chad Warden, how he became a infamous YouTube troll, and what happened to him after retiring from YouTube.

That peaceful outro background music:

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