The Battle of Agincourt: Shakespeare on the Battlefield

Описание к видео The Battle of Agincourt: Shakespeare on the Battlefield

Speaker: Roy Heidicker

Most Americans are not familiar with the 1415 battle of Agincourt. However, they might have heard about the “band of brothers” speech from Shakespeare’s play Henry V. The play is actually about this famous battle that was part of the English and French greater conflict, known as the Hundred Years War. According to the play, King Henry V delivers the inspirational “band of brothers” speech to his beleaguered troops prior to the battle. That speech has become part of our popular culture. The 2001 HBO series Band of Brothers, about the 101st Airborne in World War II, took its title from Shakespeare’s play. Heidicker’s lecture will showcase this extraordinary David vs. Goliath battle and again show how reality is more fascinating than fiction. Heidicker will also discuss how the intersection of the Shakespeare play and actual military history influences our knowledge of the battle.

Dr. Roy “Doc” Heidicker served as the Historian of the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base for almost fifteen years. He received his B.A. (History and Naval Science) from Marquette University, and his M.A. and PhD (Military History and Film) Southern California. Doc served as an artillery officer in the Marine Corps. With his wife Judine, he is the owner of Classic Aviation and War Art. Doc is a frequent lecturer and briefer at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base and in the local community. He organized the series of lectures for the150th anniversary of the Civil War for the Foundation of Wayne Community College. His last lecture series commemorated the 75th anniversary of World War II. Doc is currently presenting the Great Battles in History lecture series.


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