PerMix Vertical Ribbon Mixer - Spice Blender

Описание к видео PerMix Vertical Ribbon Mixer - Spice Blender

PerMix PVR series Vertical Ribbon Mixer is a batch mixing equipment used widely in applications that require gentle mixing and minimal heat generation without any product distortion. PVR vertical Ribbon Mixers are a highly efficient vertical powder mixer with low energy consumption for batch mixing of powder and granule with various particle sizes.

PerMix PVR series Vertical Ribbon Mixer consists of drive unit, conical vessel, transmission assembly, screws, and discharge valve. A spiral screw is located in parallel with the conical center line with fine gap, and screw length is almost the same as the cone side.

During the operation of the mixer, the Ribbons rotates around the center of the cone and pushing upwards the powders inside, which "slips" downwards through the gap between the two screw, and then are lifted again through the center screw again and again.

This PerMix PVR 500 Vertical Ribbon mixer, was supplied for an international Food plants integrator, for the mixing of spices blends

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