Emotional Significance of Bunions - Reflexology

Описание к видео Emotional Significance of Bunions - Reflexology

Emotional Significance of Bunions
Located just below the Great Toe on the medial side of the foot.

Bunions on the feet, are typically representative of the upper back between the shoulder blades as a reflex location. The bunion is often an indicator of our emotions, and its presence could indicate that person is a very hard worker, or simply a taskmaster onto themselves. A person with bunions often feels that it’s up to them to complete and get things done putting a lot of pressure on themselves. They often put themselves last, if they are on the list at all. They are the task masters, they make a list and are strict to get everything done on that list. Anything they did not complete, goes to the top of the list for the next day.

If you were to tell someone with bunions that you know they are very hard worker. You can sometimes elicit tears from your client, as they are being acknowledged for all their hard work.

They may even leave feeling proud of their bunions instead of embarrassed by them.

All different challenges within the body, have positive sides to them when you look at the emotional significance.

Welcome to ‘The Body Talks’ ♥️

Presented by:
Barbara A. Brower (42 Years Experience)
Nationally Board Certified Reflexologist, NBCR

Barbara is the Reflexologist responsible for developing the protocol and frequency for the successful $3.1 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant that studied the effects of Reflexology on Breast Cancer Patients going through Chemotherapy. (2005-2010)

Branch Reflexology Institute
A licensed school in the State of Michigan
Certifying and Registering Reflexologists
150 hr program - 5 weekends
Check out our website if interested 👣



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