EP 164: कौन है कश्मीरी पंडित और क्या है इनका इतिहास सुने पूरी कहानी SHAMS TAHIR KHAN की ज़ुबान

Описание к видео EP 164: कौन है कश्मीरी पंडित और क्या है इनका इतिहास सुने पूरी कहानी SHAMS TAHIR KHAN की ज़ुबान

जम्मू कश्मीर राज्य के इतिहास के बारे में काफी कम लोगों को जानकारी है, इस राज्य को हमेशा से एक आतंक के राज्य के तौर पर ही देखा जाता है. इस राज्य की राजधानी यानी श्रीनगर, लंबे समय से आतंकवाद का शिकार रही है और धीरे –धीरे ये आतंक इस राज्य के अन्य हिस्सों में भी फैल गया है
As the night fell, the microscopic community became panic-stricken when the Valley began reverberating with the war-cries of Islamists, who had stage-managed the whole event with great care; choosing its timing and the slogans to be used. A host of highly provocative, communal and threatening slogans, interspersed with martial songs, incited the Muslims to come out on the streets and break the chains of 'slavery'. These exhortations urged the faithful to give a final push to the Kafir in order to ring in the true Islamic order. These slogans were mixed with precise and unambiguous threats to Pandits.They were presented with three choices - Ralive, Tsaliv ya Galive (convert to Islam, leave the place or perish). Tens of thousands of Kashmiri Muslims poured into the streets of the Valley, shouting 'death to India' and death to Kafirs...

... The Pandits could see the writing on the wall. If they were lucky enough to see the night through, they would have to vacate the place before they met the same fate as Tikka Lal Taploo and many others. The Seventh Exodus was surely staring them in the face. By morning, it became apparent to Pandits that Kashmiri Muslims had decided to throw them out from the Valley. Broadcasting vicious Jehadi sermons and revolutionary songs, interspersed with blood curdling shouts and shrieks, threatening Kashmiri Pandits with dire consequences, became a routine 'Mantra' of the Muslims of the Valley, to force them to flee from Kashmir..."
The Lost Paradise : A documentary on plight of Kashmiri Pandits
Watch Special Show on Kashmiri Pandits
Kashmiri Pandits share personal experiences of brutality in Kashmir before their exodus
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