I'm Back! - Titanfall #2 w/ XboxOneUK and JadeTheGamerMC

Описание к видео I'm Back! - Titanfall #2 w/ XboxOneUK and JadeTheGamerMC

My first Titanfall game in a few months, and this is how it went. Going to EGX 2016 and playing Titanfall 2 (8 times) made me want to go back to playing this again before the launch of the new game in October. Thanks Respawn Team (and helpers at the NEC), especially Ryan, for making it special. Watch this space for TF 2.

-- Next Video --
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-- Previous Videos --
GTA V #8:    • I Can't Believe I Just Did That! - GT...  
Destiny 2:    • Crucible Cruelty! - Destiny #2 w/ Jad...  
Watch Dogs #10:    • SUPERMAN! Watch Dogs #10 w/ JadeTheGa...  
EGX VLOG:    • I'M GOING TO EGX! Vlog 21/09/16  

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Follow my Twitter to get tweets of when my latest video has been posted:   / jadethegamer97  
GT: JadeTheGamerMC
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Player.me: https://player.me/jadethegamermc_fans

Original Recording:   / 91919436  

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (   / editor  )


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