A Haunting mudlark on a Medway Island. Searching an Abandoned Victorian fort at midnight.

Описание к видео A Haunting mudlark on a Medway Island. Searching an Abandoned Victorian fort at midnight.

I recently went mudarlking on a deserted island in the River Medway. On the island is an old abandoned Victorian fort - called Fort Darnet. At night the fort is eerily silent apart from the shrieks of hunting owls and the echos of waves slapping against the walls in the flooded building. A few weeks ago David Nolan and I visited the fort in the dead of night and explored by candlelight. The next morning we went mudlarking and found some suitably spooky treasures!

The last time we spent a night on Darnet it was back in 2012 when we spent 24 hours on the island visiting Dave Wise who was spending 45 days on the island. You can see the video he made about his experience on the island -    • Otherness; Forty Five Days on the Isl...  

You can find out more about Darnet and Hoo here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Da...

Thank you for watching. Comments are most welcome. You can follow me on twitter and instagram here @tidelineart

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Take care and see you soon.

Nicola White

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