027 - Video - Living Sacrifice // All For His Glory

Описание к видео 027 - Video - Living Sacrifice // All For His Glory

Romans 12-16

00:18 - Chapter 12 - What is the Therefore, There For?
03:11 - By The Mercies of God
05:18 - Transformed vs. Conformed
08:02 - Constantly Reconditioning
09:31 - Discerning the Good, Perfect, Pleasing Will of God
11:35 - Humility's Discerning Role and Receiving Others
14:42 - Paul's In Your Face List
17:00 - Vengeance Belongs to God
17:42 - Chapter 13 - Submit Even to Unholy Rulers?
24:07 - Love & Faith Fulfills the Law
28:06 - Make No Provision for the Flesh
29:41 - Chapter 14 - Strong & Weak Brothers
34:22 - When to Confront?
38:22 - Unity Comes From A Greater Good
39:46 - Whatever is Not From Faith is Sin
40:22 - Chapter 15 - Unity For God's Glory
42:57 - Christ is Our Example


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