just a cool Beatles song to watch instead for a second.

Описание к видео just a cool Beatles song to watch instead for a second.

I think this song has some of the most beautiful melodies ever. It has to be sung with a smile to sound right. It's about "a love" being around Paul McCartney all the time.

Love really is around us all the time, I think its kind of like the force. It's really done some amazing things. Love and kindness and courage and teamwork have just been so good to us when we let them hang out. Use forgiveness when you're mad. Use humor when you are scared. Stop yourself and be serious about it when you hate.

When you want to scream, don't, learn a song and then practice it. I had to play this 12 times to get it this good. First two sucked, I was soooo slow. But the song is really good so it was fun to learn.

When you want to go protest, don't go protest, make a really good painting. If you can draw some, which you probably can. I even feel like I might be able to make a good big painting, and I suuuuuck at drawing, but if I really took my time, like days and days of planning and sketching out something big and powerful and cool with great colors that made people feel my triumph of completing a well planned piece of art. If you feel like a square inside a pointy scary triangle, paint a square inside of a pointy scary triangle. But make it 8 feet tall, and really dope. Go for it. Make it super small, make two, add a earring hook and give it to a person you see who you think is pretty cool, but never really said hi too.
Say, hi I make these little sculptures, and I really like seeing you every time I come in here, so this is for you,I think you're a cool person, okay bye!

All you have to do is stop, and say out loud, I love this moment.

Something in you will say "no you don't"
and then that's where you stop.

But don't stop, let that voice speak its mind.

And then listen to your shoulders, as they loosen up a little, okay.. okay, and listen to your bottom lip pouting and snarling up a little, like fear smells burnt and I don't give a damn what it takes I am getting it out of my kitchen.

I got this.
You got this.
We got this.
I'm fucking loving the beatles man, that's what kind of world this is.

It is a world where pretty much everyone has heard of them, and most people like them a lot, and everyone knows they sing about love.


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