Cut-Rate Commander | Vraska, the Silencer

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Cut-Rate Commander - Episode 99 - Featuring Vraska, the Silencer from Outlaws of Thunder Junction #mtg #edh #commander #MTGOTJ #mtgthunder

Hey Folks! Submitted for your approval, we have our 3rd Commander build for Outlaws of Thunder Junction – this time featuring the recently uncompleated but still deadly Gorgon - Vraska, the Silencer.

In this build, we'll be aiming to make the most our commanders ability to turn our "steal" our opponents creatures for us as artifacts by running a veritable arsenal of removal spells to inflict as many casualties into our opponents creature bases as possible - ranging from AOE edicts that will cause indiscriminate destruction to all our opponents creature bases simultaneously to maximize our treasure generation, to more precise single / multi-targeting spot removal spells so that we can pick off precisely the creatures we want to take for ourselves. Then, to augment our removal heavy playstyle even more, we'll be adding in a suite of on death payoffs to generate us even more value / inflict damage as we pick off our opponents creatures, as well as artifacts payoffs that do the same for the treasures we create via Vraska's effect to ramp up our value and the damage we inflict onto our opponents even further - until our opponents have no choice but to join their creatures under our relentless torrent of removal spells as stolen value.

Let me know if the comments below if you agree with my choices and/or what you would add to the deck instead.

Decklist -

All art used is copyright of Wizards of the Coast
00:00 – Introduction
00:42 – Commander & Playstyle
04:23 – Creature
08:10 - Instant
10:33 – Sorcery
12:00 - Enchantment
13:30 – Artifact
14:41 - Planeswalkers
16:12 – Land
17:11 – Breakdown
21:00 – Closing Thoughts


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