PBMA Weekly Update for the Week of Nov. 22nd

Описание к видео PBMA Weekly Update for the Week of Nov. 22nd

🎉 Weekly Update with Mrs. Cooper! 🎉

🍂 Upcoming Events:

Thanksgiving Break: No school next week. Students return Monday, Dec. 2!
🎁 Elementary Holiday Shop: Dec. 3-11. Parent Night: Dec. 5, 4-6 PM. Volunteers needed!
👓 Heiken Vision Van: Dec. 6 (Secondary) & Dec. 20 (Elementary). Sign-ups available.
🎶 Winter Music Concert & McTeacher Night: Dec. 18. Save the date!
🚗 Safety Patrol Car Wash: Dec. 7, 9 AM - Noon. $10 cars / $20 SUVs.

✨ This Week in STEM:

Grades 3-5: Built energy flow models with Lego SPIKE kits. 🌞
Grades K-2: Designed dream cars with Lego Steam Park kits. 🚗💨

🐢 2nd Graders visited Sandoway Discovery Center for a sea turtle program and shark feeding!

🏀 Lady Sharks Basketball: Undefeated at 5-0! Shoutout to Ruthamar Berneus, Karly Godoy, & Ivana Descartes!

🎟️ Lego Raffle: Win a $50 holiday set! $3/ticket or 2 for $5. See Ms. Nathalie.

📸 Thanksgiving Spirit Week Pics
💙 Like & Subscribe for updates!

#WeeklyUpdate #ThanksgivingBreak #LadySharks #STEMFun #PBMaritime 💻

PBMA integrates maritime studies and marine science with the Florida Standards through a variety of hands-on experiences designed to interest all types of learners and to facilitate learning across the curriculum. The school is rooted in literacy and we work with students both individually and in small groups to facilitate mastery of the standards.

Learn more at http://palmbeachmaritimeacademy.org/


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