Indie Bookstores

Описание к видео Indie Bookstores

[Anchor Lead]

Unlike the mega chain bookstores, the number of independent bookstores is on the rise. They are a place where customers can find a treasure trove of books in various fields of interest.


This tiny bookstore is located just below Namsan Mountain in Seoul. Books sold here are mostly small volumes of publications printed by one-person publishing houses. This book is a collection of the Korean word for "apartment" stylized in various fonts and letter types. Something like this will be hard to find at a franchised mega bookstore.

[Soundbite] Gang Yeong-gyu(CEO, "Storage Book & Film") : "This book was made to keep record of the names of houses written in very stylish penmanship before they disappear."

This bookstore specializing in music-related books turns into a performance stage on the weekend.

[Soundbite] Park Mirisae(Director, "Liner Note") : "It doesn't end at buying. I hope the store can become a place where people come and engage in deep thoughts."

Such independent bookstores, small but full of character, are increasing in number. In just 4 to 5 years, over a hundred of them have opened nationwide. These unique bookstores are not bound by best-seller lists or popularity but choose to introduce a wider range or extremely rare selections. This approach has increased the flow of visitors.

[Soundbite] Kim Ji-yeong(Customer) : "It was nice. I encountered a variety of books and unexpected ones that caught my attention."

These specialty bookstores are just the place to delve into a particular area of interest or come across that unexpected chance discovery. Independent bookshops continue to evolve into more of a cultural space and not just a place where books are sold.


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