Fossil Preparation - Giant Brychaetus Fish Skull, London Clay, Eocene

Описание к видео Fossil Preparation - Giant Brychaetus Fish Skull, London Clay, Eocene

This is a timelapse video of the preparation of a massive Brychaetus muelleri fish skull from the London Clay of the Isle of Sheppey. This Septarian nodule was found in the 1990's and dates back to the Ypresian, Eocene - 50 million years ago.

During this video, I use various preparation equipment including:

Pneumatic Air Pens:
ZoicPalaeotech T-Rex Air Scribe
ZoicPalaeotech Balaur Air Scribe (fine detail around teeth)
ZoicPalaeotech Bronto Air Scribe (for bulk matrix removal)

Air Abrasion Unit:
ZoicPalaeotech Custom Large Capacity Iron Powder Unit
Medium: Soft Iron Powder

Consolidants & Stabiliisers:
Paraloid B-72 (5% & 10%)

CT Scanning:
Scanning courtesy of the Yorkshire Natural History Museum.
Post-processing software: 3D Slicer 5.6.1


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