Sponsorship Proposal Basics in About 15 Minutes

Описание к видео Sponsorship Proposal Basics in About 15 Minutes

A short, sharp look at the role of a sponsorship proposal, the structure of a best practice proposal, and where most rightsholders go wrong.

This video is for individual use. It is not for public presentation.


Thanks for watching, and here are the additional resources Kim promised.

If you like this tutorial and would like to do comprehensive, online sponsorship training with Kim, get more information at https://powersponsorship.com/online-s...

If you'd prefer a book, with everything you need to know about securing and retaining sponsorship, including lots of checklists and templates, AND a sponsorship proposal template, get a copy of The Sponsorship Seeker’s Toolkit 4th Edition. Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0071825797/?...

To download the Generic Inventory referenced in the video, go to this page and scroll to the bottom: http://powersponsorship.com/sponsorsh...

Kim's blog can be found on http://powersponsorship.com/blog.

To help you parse our 150+ how-to blogs, plus white papers, tutorials, and templates, we've collated them in several best-of lists, built around hot topics. You'll find those best-of lists here: https://powersponsorship.com/best-of-...

And if you need further assistance, there’s plenty of information on PowerSponsorship.com on the services we offer. Please note: we do not offer a sponsorship brokering service (in other words, we can’t secure sponsorship on your behalf).

Good luck!


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