What I Eat During My cheat day

Описание к видео What I Eat During My cheat day

This past Sunday and Monday wasn't great, but managed to not binge on the 3rd day. I will try to go binge free as long as possible.
My message to you is, make kakuni.
Note to self:
-Don't work out to lose weight, do it because your body deserves it.
-Don't push yourself too hard. You're so out of shape that you can't even run for more than 5 min. It's okay, if you can do 5 min, do 5 min, walk the rest. What's important is making it a habit to exercise.
-Don't weigh yourself if you think you're fat. It always ends badly.
-Don't look at yourself in the mirror too long. It always ends badly.
-Stop thinking about food, have a meal if you have to, and get work done.


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