sherlock and joan | elementary | looking too closely

Описание к видео sherlock and joan | elementary | looking too closely

"I was dying when we first met. I mean, I looked well enough. Just got out of rehab and all that. Thought that I knew everything, but I didn't. I didn't realize how much how much work I would have to put in and how much time it would take. But most of all, I-I didn't realize that things could get better. And that I could actually be ... (happy)."

. subtitles are available
. lots of voiceovers
. mention of drug addiction
. don't ask the song

Words cannot describe how much they mean to me, and how grateful I am they exist. What a beautiful, inspiring story about healing, and connecting, and growing together.

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This is six seasons overdue, so I'm going to go overboard with words. Read them only if you know and love this show lol

The best SH adaptation, hands down.
Here, not everything revolves around Sherlock Holmes. Here, he isn't the sole reason the story exists. Here his brilliance isn't the be-all and end-all. Here, he learns to appreciate other people rather than labelling them all as idiots. Here he is capable of kindness. Here he is forced to acknowledge his failings, to admit others have something to teach HIM. And it all starts with his drug addiction, which isn't glamourized, or depicted as a super power for his work, but truly presented as the disease it is. His sobriety is something that requires work, and committment, something that he isn't better equipped to deal with just because he's smarter than everybody else. And Watson. She first comes into his life as a sober companion, and then turns into a detective in her own right, as Holmes recognises not only the value of her imput to his work, but her skills as well, enough that she could make a career of it. She is not there merely as a sidekick for Sherlock to bounce ideas at. She can work indipendently from him. She steps out of the caretaker job she's introduced as. She is kind and thoughtful, but never self-abnegating to his wishes. In fact you could say it's the exact opposite. It's HIM that would gladly die for her (his words), he doesn't even consider himself WORTHY of her love and affection.
And maybe, altough it isn't as glaringly obvious as it is where Sherlock is concerned, she is just as broken as he is. She needs his support as much as he needs hers, maybe more. Even when she doesn't say it. And he is able to do that for her, has done so multiple times (and the finale was just a big confirmation of that). He anticipates those needs she can't truly voice herself. And what gets the most, he is able to articulate his feelings for her TO HER with the vulnerabily and openess that she, in contrast, isn't quite as good at expressing herself, or won't let herself express. She's more guarded than he is, doesn't quite know how to react to Sherlock wearing his heart on his sleeve for her. And I find that atypical and refreshing and beautiful.

At the end of the day, theirs is a relationship between equals, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. They're continually negotiating the terms of their partnership as they grow as people. It's an ever-evolving relationship. She challenges him and he her. She provides him with the tools to be a little more attuned with the world around him, and in exchange he teaches her to accept and love her own unconventionality. It's a mutual give and take as they learn from each other. And all that without falling into easy romantic cliches. Elementary did that.

I'll stop now, I apologize. I just. Love them with all my heart.


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