MiG-29 Fulcrum 5.5: Kick Start

Описание к видео MiG-29 Fulcrum 5.5: Kick Start

Take down cargo planes escaping from the front lines into more secure rear areas.

This mission is supposed to be a "bomb them while they're on the ground, if that fails, give chase to them" affair, but nothing really happens as intended here. (According to the Quick Missions, you're supposed to have a three-pack of FAB-500 bombs, but I didn't have them because I burned those up destroying the bio-weapons factory in Sabotage, and the SEAD wing was non-existent.)

Since the script is so easily yeeted, you can park and loiter around the airfield they're taking off from, and pick them off from there (save some missiles for them, you really don't want them to bug off into more SAM sites).


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