Salmon habitat reconnected in the Lower Fraser

Описание к видео Salmon habitat reconnected in the Lower Fraser

Great things can be accomplished when we work together!

Resilient Waters, a project of Watershed Watch Salmon Society and MakeWay, recently partnered with Leq’a:mel First Nation and the North Nicomen Diking District to upgrade an old, fish-unfriendly floodbox.

Not only does the new floodbox reconnect Joe's Lake to Nicomen Slough for wild salmon, but it also better protects the surrounding community from future floods.

Funding was provided by the BC Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund and ‪@PacificSalmonFoundation‬

Video by: Brandon Deepwell ‪@madebybrandondeepwell‬

Additional footage: Fernando Lessa ‪@fernandolessa8659‬


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