METAL GEAR SURVIVE All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD

Описание к видео METAL GEAR SURVIVE All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD

METAL GEAR SURVIVE All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD includes the full story, ending and final boss of the game. The game was played, recorded and edited by Gamer’s Little Playground team. We recorded the game in 4K 60FPS on Steam PC. In short, the video includes the full game, ending and all story related scenes. The video includes the ending, full story, all cutscenes, final boss, all bosses, no commentary, all missions and all cinematics.

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Following the evacuation of Big Boss and Kazuhira Miller from the besieged Mother Base, the surviving members of MSF who were left behind at wreckage of Mother Base collect their dead and prepare to bury them at sea with aid from the UN. While inspecting the dead soldiers, a member of the UN’s aid team requests to take the body of a fallen soldier who was apparently killed in the attack.

The fallen soldier assisted in the defense of Mother Base during the attack before a large worm hole opened above the sinking facility. Though the soldier was able to avoid being sucked into the worm hole, their left arm was severed after the worm hole closed and they fell to their death.

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