How To Get To The Next Level In Life

Описание к видео How To Get To The Next Level In Life

Join my FREE 5 Day Tapping Challenge:

Ready to go to the next level? Using EFT Tapping we’ll tap into the love and courage inside of yourself so you can LEVEL UP! Want to know how to level up to the place where your soul is calling you and your heart is pulling you towards? Want to release the stagnant pain, limiting blocks & old stuff.

I am ready for the next level
I am tired of playing small
I'm tired of holding myself
I'm tired of blaming other people
I am ready to take full responsibility for my life
I’m ready to step up my game

Tapping Statements to Clear Past Beliefs
I've been holding myself back for so long now, scared that I will trigger other people
I’ve been scared people are going to be jealous of me, that they're going to judge me
I am done living my life for other people I am done with other people's expectations of me
I'm ready for that next level

I forgive myself for staying stuck
I forgive myself for being stagnant
I forgive myself for being afraid: it’s normal and human to be afraid, but I am ready to go for it!

I'm ready to listen to my soul and I'm ready to take the next step.

Clearing Confusion
I don't know what the next step is!
I don't know what the next step is!
I don't know what the next step is!
I am open to getting clear on the next step!
I'm removing all blocks and obstacles from my path I'm choosing to let them go now.

Imagine different cords of energy, different attachments different hooks just coming off you and flying back to wherever it is that they started. Take a big, deep breath put your hands on your knees, or somewhere comfortable. Take another deep breath into your heart with a nice, soft exhalation, close down your eyes and just letting yourself be still for a moment.

Connecting to your heart, to your higher self, to your soul and ask: “What is my next step? What is the next baby step that I can take to reach the next level?”

Then listen for as long as you need to.

I am ready to keep going!
I didn't come this far to only come this far!
I am stronger than I realise!
Do you know what i have overcome in my life?
Say out loud something which you've done in your life that proves how strong you are?
I am so strong because…

I am strong! I am courageous! I am wise! I am ready!
I am ready to step into the sunshine.
I am ready to open and receive this love.
I'm ready to receive all the blessings and support which the universe has been trying to give me!
I am ready to get out of my own way.
I am choosing life
I am choosing myself I am committed to loving myself through this process.

I am ready!
I am ready for the next level and I'm willing to do what it takes to reach the next level.
I am letting this be easy.
I'm letting this be fun
I'm calling on all my helpers in the unseen realms to support me
I am ready for all the gifts and blessings waiting for me

I am ready to evolve
I'm ready to rise
I'm ready to roar
I'm ready to soar!
I'm letting it be easy and fun!

EFT Tapping is a self-empowerment technique which effectively reprograms the subconscious mind to create a new reality for yourself.

❤️ Join my FREE 5 Day Tapping Challenge designed to put a stop to those negative thoughts and take you to your next level, so that you feel worthy of all you desire!

⚡️ In PRIVATE SESSIONS I empower you to permanently clear subconscious blocks, to experience radical self-love so you can live the sensational life you truly desire. YouTube sessions are only a fraction of what’s possible in a private 90 minute session with me!

🔥 EFT TAPPING ONLINE COURSE. Discover how to rewire your brain by yourself using Tapping. Learn to clear your daily triggers, like anxious and negative thoughts. Get a loving, supportive inner voice and create a new reality for yourself! Get yourself Tapping like a pro in my online course:

💥 Tapping Manifestation WORKSHOP: Unleash Your Magnetic Genius! Shift the unconscious blocks standing between you and what you truly desire in this full length workshop:


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