Digimon Rumble Arena The Biggest Dreamer (Extended)

Описание к видео Digimon Rumble Arena The Biggest Dreamer (Extended)

I was surprised when I saw that Reapermon's Den was extended, but not this. Eh. Well, it's here now! This game was pretty fun. I always liked playing as Digimon and fighting against other Digimon. Since I've played this since I was very young, a wave of nostalgia always fills me when I play this. Ah, such fond memories...except when I think of Reapermon. Anyone that's played this game SHOULD say that Reapermon was a cheap
jerk. He definitely was and still is...

Image/Music not made by me, only extended as usual.

(Oct. 21, 2013 8:15 PM: Oh what's this..? Related Videos..."Digimon Rumble The Biggest Dreamer Extended"... uploaded Dec. 9, 2010... Oh.)


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