Creating Our Last garden and More Harvest | 1 Acre Homestead in Rural Australia

Описание к видео Creating Our Last garden and More Harvest | 1 Acre Homestead in Rural Australia

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to a new update video of the garden!
Finally, we achieved to create our last and third garden bed. We have roughly 400sqm of garden now. Probably more, as we have another herb garden, an arch full of chayote and loofah, and even some more garden beds, I have never showed before. A lot of garden, and a lot of it is just cover crop at the moment. Summers are too hot and dry here... and we don't have enough water! Or it will get tooo expensive.

Hope you find my videos somewhat informative.
I also enjoy documenting all this for ourselves, as it is nice to look back on, on how the garden once looked.

Stay tuned for the next video, where I will take you along and show you everything we are growing through summer here. (update on garden 3)

Thanks for watching.


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