Good or Well | Award Winning Good or Well Teaching Video | What is the difference Good or Well

Описание к видео Good or Well | Award Winning Good or Well Teaching Video | What is the difference Good or Well

Understanding “Good” and “Well” Understanding “Good” and “Well” emphasizes the importance of correct English usage when speaking and writing. The video will be most impactful for students who already have developed an understanding of adjectives and adverbs, and can differentiate between action and linking verbs. Video imagery and a voice-over are combined to provide practice and support in choosing “good” or “well” to properly complete sentences. Step by step procedures outline clues students can look for in order to confidently use “good” and “well” appropriately in real world speaking and writing.

I’ve created an entire series of teaching videos to explain the components of English Language
Arts in a way that connects them to each other and to real world reading, speaking, and writing. The links for the videos in order are below. Please look for my other videos and share them with others that may find them helpful.

Nouns:    • Видео  
Abstract Nouns:    • Abstract Nouns | Award Winning Abstra...  
Nouns and Verbs:    • Nouns and Verbs | Award Winning Conne...  
Verbs "Action" :    • Verbs | Action Verbs | Award Winning ...  
Mental Action Verbs:    • Mental Action Verbs | Award Winning T...  
Proper Nouns:    • Proper Nouns | Award Winning Proper N...  
Adjectives:    • Adjectives | Award Winning Understand...  
Identifying Adjectives:    • Adjectives Identifying | What is an A...  
Adverbs:    • Adverbs | Award Winning  Understandin...  
Pronouns:    • Pronouns | Award Winning Introduction...  
Personal Pronouns:    • Personal Pronouns | Award Winning Per...  
Pronouns and Antecedents:    • Pronouns and Antecedents | What is a ...  
Subject Pronouns:    • Pronouns and Antecedent | Award Winni...  
Linking Verbs and Action Verbs:    • Linking Verbs and Action Verbs | Awar...  
Good or Well:    • Good or Well | Award Winning Good or ...  
Subjects and Predicates:    • Subjects and Predicates | Subject and...  
Helping Verbs:    • Helping Verbs | Award Winning Helping...  
Helping Verbs Advanced:    • Helping Verbs Advanced | Award Winnin...  
Subjects and Predicates 2:    • Subjects and Predicates More | Award ...  
Contractions:    • Contractions | Award Winning Contract...  
Understanding Contractions:    • Understanding Contractions | Award Wi...  
Contractions Practice:    • Contractions Practice in English | Aw...  
Compound Words:    • Compound Words | Award Winning Compou...  
Indirect Objects:    • Indirect Object | Award Winning Indir...  
Direct Objects:    • Direct Object | Award Winning Direct ...  
Understanding Prepositional Phrases:    • Preposition | Award Winning Prepositi...  
Coordinating Conjunctions:    • Coordinating Conjunctions | Award Win...  


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