Sõdurilehe podcast | #98 Õppus Cyber Coalition 2024

Описание к видео Sõdurilehe podcast | #98 Õppus Cyber Coalition 2024

[EST] Seekordses Sõdurilehe podcasti episoodis on meil külaliseks Saksa relvajõudude kapten, kes räägib meile küberõppusest Cyber Coalition 2024. Saatesse oleme kutsunud Saksa relvajõudude kapteni Robert Kochi.

[ENG] In todays episode our guest is a German Armed Forces Captain who will tell us about exercise called Cyber Coalition 2024. Today, we've invited Captain Robert Koch to join us in the conversation.

00:00 Intro
00:50 How are you connected to this exercise, what is Your role?
01:12 What is the primary objective of the Cyber Coalition 2024 exercise?
01:52 How does Cyber Coalition 2024 is different from previous Cyber Coalition exercises?
02:28 Which specific sectors are most represented in this year’s exercise?
03:06 Are there any new or emerging technologies being simulated in this year’s scenarios?
03:50 How has the exercise incorporated lessons learned from recent real-world cyber incidents?
04:30 What types of cyber threats are being emphasized in the exercise?
05:04 Which countries took part in this year’s exercise?
05:29 How are geopolitical factors or nation-state actors reflected in the scenarios?
06:10 Are there scenarios involving AI-enabled attacks or defenses?
06:30 Does the exercise simulate insider threats, and if so, how are they addressed?
06:56 Are international entities participating in this exercise? If so, which ones?
08:00 What mechanisms are in place to encourage collaboration between the public and private sectors?
09:13 How are participants encouraged to share threat intelligence during the exercise?
09:42 What cybersecurity frameworks or standards are being applied or tested during the exercise?
10:00 Are there specific tools or platforms being showcased for incident response?
10:19 How is the exercise measuring participants’ ability to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities?
11:04 Does the exercise include simulations of supply chain dependencies or risks?
11:16 What are the expected takeaways for participants in terms of skills and knowledge?
11:45 How is success measured in the exercise, both for individuals and militaries?
12:22 Are participants receiving any post-exercise feedback or recommendations?
12:49 How are the results of the exercise used to inform future cybersecurity policies?
13:29 What role does Cyber Coalition 2024 play in shaping national or global cybersecurity strategies?
14:38 Are there policy gaps identified in the exercise that require immediate attention?
14:51 How does this exercise contribute to building long-term cyber resilience?
15:34 Outro


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