Sails Chong - Behind the scenes in Kyoto, Japan - Hasselblad - Broncolor

Описание к видео Sails Chong - Behind the scenes in Kyoto, Japan - Hasselblad - Broncolor

There have been many moments like this, we are roaring and thrilling, but the world knows nothing about us. I firmly believe that the image is a belief. In this big country of camera manufacturer, We would like to use our camera shuttle, to hold up our ambitions of photography. Even it the road ahead is tough and full of the uncertain situation, We will carry on and keep moving forward. Sails Chong Workshop 2017


Producer / KRK PRODUCE 株式会社
Camera / Hasselblad
Light / #broncolor
Wedding Veil / Topbridal
Japanese Kimono / Yumekan
Team Leader / Michel Caillet (CH)
Coordinator / Susumu Inomata(JP)
Photography / Sails Chong (CN)
Video Photography / Hoang Nguyen (VN)
Hair & Make-up 1 / Ivy Mak @ Ivyy Bridal Makeup (HK)
Hair & Make-up 2 / Jefi Kao (TW)
Dressing 1 / Makiko Nakagawa(JP)
Dressing 2 / Kaeko Takeoka(JP)
Model 1 / Jara Jennie Roberts (THA)
Model 2 / Be Patchrawan (THA)
Location / #Kyoto, #Japan


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