Hollow Knight Godmaster: Pantheon of Hallownest All Bindings

Описание к видео Hollow Knight Godmaster: Pantheon of Hallownest All Bindings

Yeeeah. 42 bosses, no breaks, with the binding restrictions. I made it to the end about 8 times and died on the final boss, The Collector was impossible until I realized nail arts aren't nerfed with the Nail binding, and Nightmare King Grimm killed me twice in the meantime.

This was fun, but at the same time so very NOT fun, to do. I feel great about doing it! First on Youtube to do the challenge, feels pretty nice. My only regrets were that even though this attempt won, it wasn't actually the best take I had. The Collector went TERRIBLY here and I don't really get a chance to show my strategy, for one, second I forgot to bow to Sly, and third some of these fights are just boring and nothing but nail art spam. That's the product of going through this 15 times and just trying to move through it as fast as possible, I guess.


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