Indoor Rowing | How to Erg

Описание к видео Indoor Rowing | How to Erg

Learn how to use an indoor rowing machine and maintain good technique throughout the rowing stroke.

Explore the Great Indoors:

#TheGreatIndoors #AventureEntreQuatreMurs
🎥: Jessekiah Jost

The information and content provided by RCA in this video, including examples, images, reference and suggestions are provided for general informational purposes only. All information shared is provided in good faith, however we make no representation, warranty, guarantees or endorsements of any kind, expressed or implied, relating to the video, the content of the document, or the activities described. This information is accepted on the condition that it will not be the basis of any claim, demand or cause of action. Any reliance you place on the list of activities and links provided is therefore strictly at your own risk and is your responsibility to perform due diligence before acting upon any of the information provided. Always exercise caution when performing any physical activity without proper safety equipment or direct supervision from a certified coach.


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