Fabric haul, new makes and a sewing retreat

Описание к видео Fabric haul, new makes and a sewing retreat

Thanks so much for watching!

The retreat details are: Thirkelow Cottage and Studio, Buxton. www.thirkelow.com for more details.

Sewing friends included:

Katie ‪@Whateverkatiesews‬
Cara ‪@sosewmad‬
Terri #the_craftee_welsh_one on Instagram
Michelle ‪@SewingBunny‬
Adele ‪@Sew4serenity‬
Becki ‪@whatbecsews‬
Clare ‪@StitchHemSew‬
Nadia ‪@stitchandstylebynadia‬
Stacie #notionsofasressmaker on Instagram

Also mentioned Christine of Gemini stitches ‪@The_Gemini_Stitcher‬

Patterns mentioned

Soliflore dress by @maisonfauve #robesoliflore
Beryl bomber dress by named patterns. #berylbomberdress

#sewing #sewingideas #sewingplans #fabrichaul #fabricstash #sewingcommunity #


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