Adjusting Your New SPD SL's and Using Them!

Описание к видео Adjusting Your New SPD SL's and Using Them!

Welcome back ya'll!

So this is a super easy tip that can help you some embarrassing moments, lol.

The pedals I am using are Shimano SPD-SL R540's with yellow cleats (+6 float, link below).

Mine have gone through the ringer, so pay no mind to them, lol.

But forward to the point!

When setting up your (assuming) new SPD-SL's, ALWAYS CHECK THE TENSION ON THE EASILY VISIBLE ADJUSTER! If it's all the way to the bottom, the tension is extremely high, and it'll be really hard to clip out of them (this is meant to be used for someone who already knows how they operate, or you want more tension for your cleats, like when you're sprinting for example). Leaving the tension all the way to the top or even the middle gives you the ability to easily unclip and reclip into your cleats, and makes the learning process a lot easier.

If you are right leg dominant, chances are you'll be clipped in with that pedal and using that foot to start your rotation(s), and vise versa with left leg dominant people, but, I've learned that alternating between both is a really good habit to learn!

That's all for this one!

Make sure to Like/Comment/Sub!

-Rail The Gutter


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